The Leap Second, turning an extra second into a moment of serendipity.

@Droga5, 2016

Android asked us to express 'be together not the same' in a way that showcased the platform's power and the diversity of phones and people who used it.

We chose a nerdy moment in time to express it - the 2015 'leap second', when an extra second was added to the world's clock. We used the leap second to unite a billion Android users by building an app that let's them to capture and edit a second of film on June 30 2015. Hours of seconds were collected and shared on a self-editing HTML 5 site, and a film was released the very next day. 

CCM: David Droga
ECD: Ray Del Savio & Jerry Hoak
Art: Ramona Todoca, Adrian Chan
Copy: Doug Hamilton, Nick Partyka
Code: Active Theory